A majority of the patients we see at APR Waco suffer from a lower-extremity amputation. Our practitioners are extremely proficient in evaluating, treating, and creating unique solutions for patients who are missing portions of one, or both of their lower-extremities. To learn more about the services we offer for your level of amputation, please scroll down to the title that best matches your specific circumstance. Please contact us with any questions. The answers are only a phone call away.

Amputations of the Foot:

The feet are arguably the most complicated assemblies of muscle and bone in our entire body. Your feet contain roughly a quarter of all of the bones in your entire body! There are many different levels of amputation that can affect digits, parts, or all of the foot. Each level of foot amputation will be treated differently depending on your unique case. Our skilled and knowledgeable clinicians will be able to consider your individual circumstances and recommended some treatment options they feel will be best suited for you.

Services Offered: Call us to discuss your specific circumstances, there is no single treatment that is suitable for all levels of foot amputation.

Amputations of the Lower Leg:

A majority of the patients that we see suffer from amputations of the lower leg. A lower leg amputation is defined as any amputation that occurs between your ankle and knee, and leaves a portion, or all, of your tibia and fibula intact. You may also hear this amputation be referred to as below the knee. You will have many different treatment options depending on your goals and abilities. With a bit of work, you should be able to return to most, if not all of the activities that you enjoyed prior to your amputation.

Services We Offer: There are many options to accommodate every patient from the lowest activity levels to the highest.

General: Lightweight, custom designed sockets intended to be worn for long periods of time without the need to remove or adjust the prosthesis. The socket will made from a hand cast of your residual limb for the most intimate fit possible.

Socket Technologies: Pin locking, suction suspension, elevated vacuum suspension, specialty suspension, and t-shirt decorated sockets.

Feet: Our practitioners are well versed in all varieties of feet that are available. There are many different feet available for each functional level. If you have a specific foot you would like to try, we are happy to give you the opportunity provided you are functionally qualified to use it. Stay tuned for a blog post that will help you to approximate your own functional level.

Amputations of the Upper Leg:

An amputation of the upper leg is defined as an amputation that occurs between the knee and hip joints, and leaves part, or all of the femur intact. You may also hear this amputation be referred to as above the knee. Just as with lower leg amputations, there are a wide variety of options available for anybody who suffers from this level of amputation. Many of our patients that suffer from this level of amputation have been able to return to the activities they once enjoyed. Although these amputations are considered to be more difficult to adapt to, but with a good attitude and some hard work you will still be able to reach and exceed your rehabilitation goals.

Services We Offer: There are a wide variety of knees, feet, and socket technologies that we offer to patients of all activity levels. No matter your circumstances, there is a great prosthetic solution for you here!

General: Lightweight, custom designed sockets intended to be worn for long periods of without the need to adjust or remove the prosthesis. The socket will made from a hand cast of your residual limb or measurements taken by your practitioner.

Socket Technologies: Pin locking, locking lanyard, lanyard suspension, suction suspension, elevated vacuum suspension, specialized sockets, t-shirt decoration.

Knees: Our clinicians are well versed in helping you select a knee that will best meet your needs. They are knowledgeable in every type of knee available, from safety knees, to microprocessor-controlled knees, to high activity sports knees.

Feet: Our practitioners have extensive experience in combining different knees and feet to create a truly custom solution that will be a perfect fit for your unique circumstances. When you are wearing the optimal combination of components, you will feel great!

Hip-Level Amputations:

A hip level amputation is defined as any amputation that involves the complete removal of the femur, all the way up to portions of the pelvis. These amputations are considered to be the most difficult to adjust to, as a patient suffering from one needs to control a prosthesis that replaces 3 of their major joints. Thanks to advances in recent technology, outcomes for hip-level amputees have improved vastly from where they used to be. With a lot of hard work and a great attitude you can expect to live a fulfilling life again, however you may need to find creative solutions for some activities.

Solutions We Offer:  Thanks to recent advances, there are many varieties of hips, knees, feet, and socket designs that can be used to create a solution that is right for you. Our prosthetists have had extensive training and experience with creating unique solutions for your hip level amputations. No matter your needs, you will find a great solution here!

General: Lightweight, custom designed sockets that are designed to be comfortable enough to wear for extended periods of time.

Socket Designs: Traditional hip level prosthesis, newer-style lightweight suspension. Though there are a few trends in hip-level prosthesis designs, the best results are achieved through careful consideration by a skilled and trained prosthetist. Give us a call to schedule an appointment with one of our prosthetists to create a solution perfect for you!

Hips: Single Axis hip joints, polycentric hip joints, other hip joints.

Knees: Most manufacturers of hip joints design their products with specific knees in mind. Our practitioners are very familiar with the latest products and will help you select the right combination for you.

Feet: As with knees, the hip joints are designed with specific feet in mind as well. By working with one of our clinicians, you will be able to find a combination of components that will perfectly suit your needs.