If you have an upper-extremity amputation and are looking to explore the wide variety of treatment options available to you, Advanced Prosthetic Research Waco is the right choice for you. Our practitioners are experienced and highly-skilled in the assessment and treatment of all types of upper-extremity amputation. Upper-extremity prosthetic solutions can be as complicated as they are diverse, and can be customized to provide a wide range of specific functions. To discuss your specific circumstances and the treatment options that you have, please call our office to schedule an evaluation with one of our certified prosthetists.

Amputations of the Lower Arm

A lower arm amputation is defined as an amputation that occurs between the wrist and elbow, and leaves a portion of the radius/ulna intact. This level of amputation is commonly referred to as below the elbow. A prosthetic solution for this level of amputation will include a socket, a wrist unit, and a grasping or hand unit. The components for upper-limb prostheses are extremely diverse and can be utilized to accomplish a very wide variety of activities.

Services We Offer: There are a wide variety of options in both terminal devices and socket styles that can provide functions for a broad range of activities.

General: Lightweight, custom designed sockets that are intended to be worn comfortably for long periods of time without the need to adjust or remove them.

Hands: There are a large of number of components available for your lower arm prosthesis. They range from rugged and reliable terminal devices, to highly advanced, computerized myoelectric hands. Our skilled practitioners will be able to help you select the right components for the demands of your life.

Socket Technologies: We will provide you with the best suited suspension system for your unique circumstances. This includes liner-based locking sockets, liner-based suction sockets, anatomical suspension sockets, and harnessing based sockets. Your prosthetist may choose to utilize more than one of these to ensure your prosthesis fits comfortably all day.

Amputations of the Upper Arm

An amputation of the upper arm is defined as any amputation that occurs somewhere between the elbow and shoulder joints, and leaves a portion of the humerus intact. This amputation is also commonly referred to as above elbow. An upper arm prosthesis will require the same components as the lower arm devices, and will also require an elbow to allow for easier positioning of the device.

Services We Offer: We offer many different options for your upper-arm prosthesis that can be used to accomplish a wide variety of functional tasks.

General: Lightweight, custom-designed sockets that are intended to be worn comfortably for long periods of time without the need to remove or adjust them.

Elbows: The primary difference in an upper-arm prosthesis and a lower-arm prosthesis is the inclusion of an elbow joint. This will allow you to more easily position your prosthesis to accomplish various tasks with greater ease. The elbows we provide range from body-powered to electrically powered, and are a great compliment to the overall function of your prosthesis.

Hands: The variety of hands and terminal devices, combined with the variety of elbows makes for a very wide range of potential prosthetic solutions. Your prosthetist will work with you to ensure that you get the perfect combination of components that will best serve you in your life.

Socket Technologies: Liner-based locking sockets, liner-based suction sockets, anatomical suspension sockets, and harnessing based suspension. You may receive a combination of these to ensure your prosthesis remains securely fastened to you throughout the activities of your day.